The Pirate Planet
The hugely powerful Key to Time has been split into six segments, all of which have been disguised and hidden throughout time and space.
City of Death
Visiting Paris in 1979, the Doctor and Romana’s hopes for a holiday are soon shattered by armed thugs, a suave and dangerous Count, a plot to steal the Mona Lisa and a world-threatening experiment with time.
The Crimson Horror
Something ghastly is afoot in Victorian Yorkshire. Something that kills.
The Day of the Doctor
When the entire universe is at stake, three different Doctors will unite to save it.
The Doctor and Rose arrive in an underground vault in Utah in the near future.
The Fires of Pompeii
It is AD 79, and the TARDIS lands in Pompeii on the eve of the town's destruction.
In a lair somewhere beneath central London, a malevolent alien intelligence is plotting the end of humanity.
The Eaters of Light
The Doctor takes Bill and Nardole back to 2nd century Scotland to learn the fate of the 'lost' Ninth Legion of the Imperial Roman Army.
The Witchfinders
The TARDIS lands in the Lancashire village of Bilehurst Cragg in the 17th century, and the Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz soon become embroiled in a witch trial run by the local landowner.
The Christmas Invasion
Earth is under attack by power-hungry aliens. This is no time for the Doctor to be out of action.When a British space probe is intercepted by a sinister alien vessel.